Faiteau Foundation For Health & Education
About us
Faiteau Foundation started as a group of family and friends from Les Cayes, Cavaillon, Bonne Fin, Sudre, Pliche and Policard, who were fortunate enough to have migrated to the United States and Canada, decided to extend friendship and support to the needy still living in Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
Faiteau Foundation also has a group in Haiti, made of individuals of all faiths and backgrounds who volunteer their time, skills and resources to the success of our mission. Faiteau Foundation incorporated in 2021, is an independent 501 (c) (3) entity. As a result, Faiteau Foundation is able to accept tax deductible gifts.
The initial emphasis was to promote education in the southern section of Haiti, as an enriched mind is the key to end poverty. Wanting to make a difference, and by first focusing on access to education in Haiti, Faiteau Foundation led by Rosette Faiteau Goutier, a native of Cavaillon, has been paying primary and secondary school tuition for over 100 Haitian children in order to allow them to have a better education and broaden their minds. That initiative started 10 years ago, and the Faiteau Foundation has been able to witness the difference education has made, as steady progress has been observed in the suburbs of Les Cayes, as these children who are the future of Haiti continue to enrich their minds.
The next step is to build professional schools in the area, to further provide these individuals with the resources needed in order to make Haiti more competitive around the world. Another project the Faiteau Foundation started is the installation of solar panel powered lights (Lampadaires) in the streets of Bonne- Fin Sudre, Burry, and Policard. That project was delayed by the most recent August 2021 earthquake. Staff in Haiti have since re-started the installation of these lights. Our next project is to put more lights in the area of Pliche and Camaque. Another initiative the Faiteau Foundation would like to undertake is the construction of hospital and clinics, and implementation of mobile clinic in the area. That would allow a nurse to reach out to sick individual and provide them with the appropriate care right at home if they are not able to make it to a hospital.
Haiti reports some of the world’s worst heath indicators (crude death rate, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate) which continue to impede the country’s development. A large percentage of the population lack access to essential health and nutrition services, and HealthCare in Haiti has the highest rates of infant, under five and maternal mortality in the Western Hemisphere. We encourage you to learn more about Faiteau Foundation’s humble beginnings and how an investment in our team and our work will eventually alleviate generational poverty.